About ClimateStore
Our Mission
Our Mission is to build the World's largest collection of climate messaging products that actually work. Our intent is to support our customers, and the larger climate community, as they work to raise public awareness about the climate crisis, and build public support for critically urgent climate policies, like putting a Price on Carbon!
What we mean by that is: to provide well-designed, affordable, ideally "tested", messaging tools, with clear calls-to-action, that helps people communicate that climate change is important and urgent to address.
Have an idea for a climate message? Something you think needs a crisp design and possible prototype? Feel free to reach out, we'd love to hear from you.

Some Additional History
ClimateStore was founded in 2013 with the intent of building a 'One-Stop-Shop' for people interested in low-carbon living. It all sounded so exciting and energizing; surely we could get this off the ground! But, oddly, all the experts (and potential investors), said it couldn't be done... wait for it... they were right!
It turned out starting a retail eCommerce business at the same time Amazon was adding ~15,000,0000 new Prime members per year, was probably not the best business idea even though we did curate our products for carbon impact and gained many early customers. Yup, eCommerce in the Amazon era is not for the feighnt of heart.
But rather than throw in the towel (heck, it's the climate were talking about here!), we decided to return to our educational roots. Starting in early 2022 we started designing and launching products that support climate communications. The effort is mostly part-time at this point, and a work in progress, but we're making steady progress and who knows, if we keep at it, perhaps eventually we'll create some amazing designs that will catch on and do right by the planet!
And if you, the reader, have made it all the way to this sentence, that probably means you care about the climate and are passionate about protecting our amazing planet. Thank you indeed!
Looking for a simple way to take action? Interested in breaking the Climate Silence? How about dropping a Climate Change Yard Sign in your front yard or front window? It's affordable and a snap to do. You could be sending a message to thousands!
Climate messaging not your cup-of-tea? Check out our comprehensive list of Climate Change groups.
Thanks for your interest and for taking action for the climate!